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People Counting App: Advantages, Disadvantages and Alternatives

Updated: Mar 4

Do you want to count the visitors present in your establishment? Many people counting systems exist including connected counting applications which you have surely already heard of. Connected manual counting is carried out using a counter available on a web or mobile application. It is counted by pressing a “+” button and a “-” button.

You hesitate to equip yourself with a counting application to measure the affluence of your structure? Let's review the advantages, disadvantages, as well as possible alternatives to this device!

What are the pros and cons of a manual counting app?

Above all, it is important to remember the distinction between a mechanical manual counter and a connected counting application. Indeed, these two devices require human intervention to carry out the counting but this is their only common point! The counting data from the mechanical counter must be transcribed manually in order to be archived, the accuracy will therefore depend on the proper archiving by the agents, while the data from the connected application is stored and automatically uploaded to the software. Additionally, real-time counting is only available on the connected device. In addition, the mechanical counter is a small object that can easily be lost, unlike connected counting which simply works via a web or mobile application.

Counting application on web and mobile
Counting application on web and mobile

You will therefore have understood that connected counting is much more efficient and effective than mechanical counting! However, although it does not involve any installation and it is simple to deploy, it still has some significant disadvantages… The hardware costs nothing but its labor is relatively expensive since it takes a agent per waypoint. Furthermore, the accuracy of the data reported depends on the attention and availability of the agents... Therefore, if you want to obtain highly accurate and reliable data to control your reception gauge in real time and ensure the safety of your visitors and employees at all times, the counting application will not be the technology of choice. It is a device that is generally used during temporary events with moderate attendance. In addition, it will not be able to distinguish adults from children, bicycles from cars, buses or even strollers, if you want to do differentiated counting.

Which alternatives for which application cases?

If you want to measure the number of visitors to your museum, your store, your natural site, in the public transport or any other place open to the public, the counting application will probably not be the appropriate device. As mentioned earlier, it will only be suitable for temporary events. Therefore, if you want count visitors throughout your establishment or in a permanently delimited space, we advise you to move towards other types of technologies.

For example, infrared counters are more recommended for establishments with average attendance or with narrow passages. They have a very good price/precision ratio! In addition, installation is simple and non-destructive.

The counting cameras, such as AI or 3D counters, are recommended in many cases since they adapt to all types of configuration including outdoor spaces! Placed high up, they capture and analyze the forms in its “field of vision”, identify those comparable to human beings, vehicles or animals in order to follow them. These are the most accurate and reliable devices on the market. They are able to measure attendance, occupancy and even waiting time!

Whatever happens, the counting application or any other counter offered by Affluences, will give you the possibility of communicate traffic information in real time on a dedicated mobile application that counts over a million users. In addition to that, you will also be able to use your counting data via a web application on the administrator side. It is a data visualization interface that allows you to analyze traffic efficiently: an essential decision-making tool for your establishment! The Affluences solution thus stands out from other providers thanks to the provision of these two applications which will have real benefits for your business.

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